Tuesday, August 28, 2018

FaceTime Father

While kids were running around the living room at a birthday party for a cousin’s son, I was at a table talking to that cousin’s ex-husband. In the conversation the separation came up. I was still in NYC while the rest of my family was now 512 miles away. He lit up as we now had something in common. 

Then I said something odd but true. It's never been easier to be apart from your kids as it is now. It is not easy at all to be apart from your kids. It is gut wrenching. It's lonely. It's bad. 

But right now it's easier than ever. Thanks to technology. And this goes for people who are away for reasons that have nothing to do with breakups (military service, long distance jobs etc). On my phone there are no less than five different apps I can use to see my kids every day. Our app of choice is FaceTime. We have used Skype and WhatsApp among others. 

What's great about the app is it's free, it's loaded on every iPhone or iPad and only takes a wifi connection to use (you can also use cell signal as well). It's been a godsend. 

Kids hate talking on the phone, I hate talking in the phone, but they love looking at screens. So when we FaceTime we are still looking at each other while we chat. There are days when I'll chat with the kids for over an hour, there are days when it's just a quick check in 10 minutes between the two of them. I've played board games via FaceTime, read books, been read to, watched as they play with dolls or video games and even walked them through difficult math homework. On my end I've given safari tours to see how the cats and turtles are doing. 

When I take the monthly drive to or from their place, depending on the time frame we will chat on FaceTime while I drive. I had highlights from the first day of school, minutes after they got off the bus. Which is pretty cool. 

And as much as I'm not a fan of Fortnite, my son and I play a few games via Xbox Live pretty much every day (now that school is back on after homework is done). Usually we will be on FaceTime at the same time as well. But going around, not finding bad guys and building giants ramps for no reason, is something that we are able to do together remotely. 

I know fathers who live at home,with their kids, who don't interact with them nearly as much as I do. 

For six years, I was a Stay at Home Dad, then all of a sudden I wasn't, nowfor the time being I'm a FaceTime Father. Is it ideal. No. But it's pretty good. 

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